
Managing your documents has never been easier with the cloud

CAS PIA helps you to quickly archive your documents, whether it be correspondence, quotes, photos or presentations. Stored centrally, they are available for everyone, and you can control access to the documents via the multi-level rights system. Also, there are no document file extension restrictions as you can edit DOCX, XLSX, PDF, ZIP, PPTX, GIF formats and many more. These features enable the effective use of form letter templates for creating quick and easy form letters together with Microsoft Word.

  • Easy document management including versioning
  • Documents in progress are locked for other users
  • Custom document views (e.g. all quotes) for a structured overview
  • Templates for business correspondence (e.g. letters, faxes and form letters)

You can find all of your documents immediately and easily keep them up-to-date – to keep your correspondence running smoothly.